In and Out of Transformers (Attention is all you need) -Deep NLP Horse
Transformer Introduction and In Depth Tutorial |Zero to Hero in Modern NLP with Transformer
Transformers are taking the NLP world by storm as it is a powerful engine in understanding the context . These incredible models are breaking multiple NLP records and pushing the state of the art. They are used in many applications like machine language translation, conversational chatbots, and even to power better search engines. Transformers are the rage in deep learning nowadays, But how do they work? Why have they outperform the previous king of sequence problems, like RNN, GRU’s, and LSTM’s? You’ve probably heard of different famous transformers models like BERT, GPT, and GPT2. In this post, i will cover all in later stage ,currently i am focusing on Transformer- Attention is all you need Paper.
Whenever long-term dependencies (natural language processing problems) are involved, we know that RNNs (even with using hacks like bi-directional, multi-layer, memory-based gates — LSTMs/GRUs) suffer from vanishing gradient problem. Also, they handle the sequence of inputs 1 by 1, word by word this resulting in an obstacle towards parallelization of the process.
Especially when it comes to seq2seq models, is one hidden state really enough to capture global information pertaining to the translation?
Here’s where Attention comes in! (Attention Mechanism)
To understand transformers we first must understand the attention mechanism. The Attention mechanism enables the transformers to have extremely long term memory. A transformer model can “attend” or “focus” on all previous tokens that have been generated.
Let’s walk through an example. Say we want to convert the a long Text from Spanish to English.Using Transformer we can achieve very easily maintaining all the contextual information and UNK Words intact in Target Language
Our input: “Enrique Bailando song — Spanish Version and my email id”.
Transformer output: Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing
Your body and mine filling the void
Up and down (up and down)
(Dance, dancing, dancing, dancing)
That fire inside is driving me crazy, it’s saturating me.
my email identification
It has converted the Spanish text to English and also the email id but it has very nicely maintained the email id part which is the UNK token .So in general Transformers are very powerful as they have self Attention engine running .
Attention Is All You Need — Step by Step Walkthrough
The attention mechanism’s power was demonstrated in the paper Attention is all you Need where the authors introduced a new novel neural network called the Transformers which is an attention-based encoder-decoder type architecture .
On a high level, the encoder maps an input sequence into an abstract continuous representation that holds all the learned information of that input. The decoder then takes that continuous representation and step by step generates a single output while also being fed the previous output.
Input Embeddings
The first step is feeding out input into a word embedding layer. A word embedding layer can be thought of as a lookup table to grab a learned vector representation of each word. Neural networks learn through numbers so each word maps to a vector with continuous values to represent that word
Positional Encoding
The next step is to add positional information into the embeddings. Because the transformer encoder has no recurrence like recurrent neural networks, we must add some information about the positions into the input embeddings. This is done using positional encoding. The authors came up with a clever trick using sin and cosine functions.
For every odd index on the input vector, create a vector using the cos function. For every even index, create a vector using the sin function. Then add those vectors to their corresponding input embedding. This successfully gives the network information on the position of each vector. The sin and cosine functions were chosen in tandem because they have linear properties the model can easily learn to attend to.
Encoder Layer - “A fuel to Transformer engine”
Now we have the encoder layer. The Encoders layers job is to map all input sequences into an abstract continuous representation that holds the learned information for that entire sequence. It contains 2 sub-modules, multi-headed attention, followed by a fully connected network. There are also residual connections around each of the two sublayers followed by a layer normalization.
To break this down, let’s first look at the multi-headed attention module
Multi-Headed Attention
Multi-headed attention in the encoder applies a specific attention mechanism called self-attention. Self-attention allows the models to associate each word in the input, to other words. So in our example, it’s possible that our model can learn to associate the word “you”, with “how” and “are”. It’s also possible that the model learns that words structured in this pattern are typically a question so respond appropriately.
Query, Key, and Value Vectors
To achieve self-attention, we feed the input into 3 distinct fully connected layers to create the query, key, and value vectors.
Dot Product of Query and Key
After feeding the query, key, and value vector through a linear layer, the queries and keys undergo a dot product matrix multiplication to produce a score matrix.
The score matrix determines how much focus should a word be put on other words. So each word will have a score that corresponds to other words in the time-step. The higher the score the more focus. This is how the queries are mapped to the keys.
Scaling Down the Attention Scores
Then, the scores get scaled down by getting divided by the square root of the dimension of query and key. This is to allow for more stable gradients, as multiplying values can have exploding effects.
Softmax of the Scaled Scores
Next, you take the softmax of the scaled score to get the attention weights, which gives you probability values between 0 and 1. By doing a softmax the higher scores get heighten, and lower scores are depressed. This allows the model to be more confident about which words to attend too.
Multiply Softmax Output with Value vector
Then you take the attention weights and multiply it by your value vector to get an output vector. The higher softmax scores will keep the value of words the model learns is more important. The lower scores will drown out the irrelevant words. Then you feed the output of that into a linear layer to process.
Computing Multi-headed Attention
To make this a multi-headed attention computation, you need to split the query, key, and value into N vectors before applying self-attention. The split vectors then go through the self-attention process individually. Each self-attention process is called a head. Each head produces an output vector that gets concatenated into a single vector before going through the final linear layer. In theory, each head would learn something different therefore giving the encoder model more representation power.
To sum it up, multi-headed attention is a module in the transformer network that computes the attention weights for the input and produces an output vector with encoded information on how each word should attend to all other words in the sequence.
The Residual Connections, Layer Normalization, and Feed Forward Network
The multi-headed attention output vector is added to the original positional input embedding. This is called a residual connection. The output of the residual connection goes through a layer normalization
The normalized residual output gets projected through a pointwise feed-forward network for further processing. The pointwise feed-forward network is a couple of linear layers with a ReLU activation in between. The output of that is then again added to the input of the pointwise feed-forward network and further normalized.
The residual connections help the network train, by allowing gradients to flow through the networks directly. The layer normalizations are used to stabilize the network which results in substantially reducing the training time necessary. The pointwise feedforward layer is used to project the attention outputs potentially giving it a richer representation.
Encoder Summary
That wraps up the encoder layer. All of these operations are to encode the input to a continuous representation with attention information. This will help the decoder focus on the appropriate words in the input during the decoding process. You can stack the encoder N times to further encode the information, where each layer has the opportunity to learn different attention representations therefore potentially boosting the predictive power of the transformer network.
Decoder Layer
The decoder’s job is to generate text sequences. The decoder has a similar sub-layer as the encoder. it has two multi-headed attention layers, a pointwise feed-forward layer, and residual connections, and layer normalization after each sub-layer. These sub-layers behave similarly to the layers in the encoder but each multi-headed attention layer has a different job. The decoder is capped off with a linear layer that acts as a classifier, and a softmax to get the word probabilities.
The decoder is autoregressive, it begins with a start token, and it takes in a list of previous outputs as inputs, as well as the encoder outputs that contain the attention information from the input. The decoder stops decoding when it generates a token as an output.
Let’s walk through the decoding steps.
Decoder Input Embeddings & Positional Encoding
The beginning of the decoder is pretty much the same as the encoder. The input goes through an embedding layer and positional encoding layer to get positional embeddings. The positional embeddings get fed into the first multi-head attention layer which computes the attention scores for the decoder’s input.
Decoders First Multi-Headed Attention
This multi-headed attention layer operates slightly differently. Since the decoder is autoregressive and generates the sequence word by word, you need to prevent it from conditioning to future tokens. For example, when computing attention scores on the word “am”, you should not have access to the word “fine”, because that word is a future word that was generated after. The word “am” should only have access to itself and the words before it. This is true for all other words, where they can only attend to previous words.
We need a method to prevent computing attention scores for future words. This method is called masking. To prevent the decoder from looking at future tokens, you apply a look ahead mask. The mask is added before calculating the softmax, and after scaling the scores. Let’s take a look at how this works.
Look-Ahead Mask
The mask is a matrix that’s the same size as the attention scores filled with values of 0’s and negative infinities. When you add the mask to the scaled attention scores, you get a matrix of the scores, with the top right triangle filled with negativity infinities.
The reason for the mask is because once you take the softmax of the masked scores, the negative infinities get zeroed out, leaving zero attention scores for future tokens. As you can see in the figure below, the attention scores for “am”, has values for itself and all words before it but is zero for the word “fine”. This essentially tells the model to put no focus on those words.
This masking is the only difference in how the attention scores are calculated in the first multi-headed attention layer. This layer still has multiple heads, that the mask is being applied to, before getting concatenated and fed through a linear layer for further processing. The output of the first multi-headed attention is a masked output vector with information on how the model should attend on the decoder’s input.
Decoder Second Multi-Headed Attention, and Point-wise Feed Forward Layer
The second multi-headed attention layer. For this layer, the encoder’s outputs are the queries and the keys, and the first multi-headed attention layer outputs are the values. This process matches the encoder’s input to the decoder’s input, allowing the decoder to decide which encoder input is relevant to put a focus on. The output of the second multi-headed attention goes through a pointwise feedforward layer for further processing.
Linear Classifier and Final Softmax for Output Probabilities
The output of the final pointwise feedforward layer goes through a final linear layer, that acts as a classifier. The classifier is as big as the number of classes you have. For example, if you have 10,000 classes for 10,000 words, the output of that classier will be of size 10,000. The output of the classifier then gets fed into a softmax layer, which will produce probability scores between 0 and 1. We take the index of the highest probability score, and that equals our predicted word.
The decoder then takes the output, add’s it to the list of decoder inputs, and continues decoding again until a token is predicted. For our case, the highest probability prediction is the final class which is assigned to the end token.
The decoder can also be stacked N layers high, each layer taking in inputs from the encoder and the layers before it. By stacking the layers, the model can learn to extract and focus on different combinations of attention from its attention heads, potentially boosting its predictive power.
And that it…………….Phewwwww.
This is how Transformer works and its very Powerful
The basic transformer model was first covered in attention is all you need paper.There are many variants of Transformer which will be covered in later articles .On High Level these are
GPT, GPT2, GPT3 ,Bert, Albert, RobertA, Distil Bert , T5 , BART, Electra .
These will be cover later ….
Thankyou all
For Code on various usecase on Transformers
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- Attention is all you need by Vaswani
- Jay Alammar- Transformer Post
- Gif taken from Michael Phi guide on Transformer
- Stanford online course on Attention
- Minsuk Heo Post on Tranformer